15 Financial Habits That Will Make You Wealthy and Rich.
Personal finance is one of the many important lessons that you are not taught in school. Being rich and wealthy depends a lot more on your financial habits than the amount of money you make. Let us look at 15 financial habits that will make you wealthy and prosperous. Pay Yourself First - One of the first rules of being rich is ‘A part of what you earn is yours to keep.’ Set aside at least 10% of your income each month in an investing fund. Make a Budget - A budget is simply a plan that you make for yourself to pre-decide how much money you will spend on what. It is a tool that will help you keep your spending in check. Protect Your Wealth - Protecting your money from inflation or bad investments is just as important as earning money. If you have parked your money in an investment instrument with a lower return than the current rate of inflation, then your hard-earned money is getting depleted. Set Priorities - You will always have to choose where to spend y...