What Is an Emergency Fund and Why It Matters?
As the name suggests, an emergency fund is a fund that you build for yourself that will help you in time of an emergency . One of the most crucial components of financial planning is planning for risk, precisely what an emergency fund is for. The recent Covid-19 pandemic has made many us realise the importance of maintaining such a fund. Why Do You Need an Emergency Fund? An emergency fund comes in handy in situations like a job loss, an accident, theft etc. While we take all necessary precautions to avoid such cases, we must also prepare ourselves for such situations. Financial institutions or banks do not offer an investment option called an emergency fund. People have to save and invest their money in a separate account and treat it as an emergency fund. This means that you should commit to yourself that you will only use this money in case of an emergency. What you consider an emergency is totally up to you. An emergency fund is money that you save for yourself to use in ti...