Fanatic or Forced: What Type of Saver Are You?

For some of us, money slips right through our fingers the moment we have access to it. For others, we are all about saving. But we tend to save in different ways. Whether a habitual saver, or a short-term saver or even a part-time saver – what’s your saving pattern like? In this blog, we present to you the four kinds of savers who we’ve seen!

The Fanatical Saver
Saving is in this person’s blood. Before he/she spends on anything, they save a sizeable chunk of their income. This saver derives genuine pleasure from checking his nest egg and watching his savings grow manifold. Self-discipline and a can-do attitude drive this sort of person.

The Inconsistent Saver
A pinch here and a dash there! Saving is about consistency but this eludes the inconsistent saver. They have a haphazard approach to saving. In fact, saving once in a few months is the way forward for this type of saver.

The Forced Saver
Saving is not really the preferred option but when credit options are limited and funds are in short supply – what’s a person going to do? The forced saver only saves out of coercion. They would rather use credit for impulsive and spontaneous purchases but money management is not their strong suit.

The No-saver Saver
Savings? Really? No thank you! Money is for spending – is the adage that this type of person lives by. They prioritize experiences and possessions over financial security and the concept of saving is alien to them.

So now tell us what kind of saver are you and what type of saver do you want to become? Do you think there are any other types of savers? We can’t wait to hear from you in the comments below!




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