3 Smart and Simple Ways to Start Saving Money

In this blog post, we talk about 3 smart and simple ways you can start saving money. You can use these tips starting today and start off April with a bang!

1. Create a Budget for the Month

First, make sure you have a clear view of your income for the month and list out your major expenses. Remember, your budget is the blueprint for managing your money! One tip that we have for you is the 50/30/20 rule. It goes like this:

50% of your income is set aside for your essentials like housing, transportation, food, etc. 30% of your income is for any wants or non-essentials like travel, entertainment, shopping, etc. At least 20% of your savings goes towards savings and repayment of debt you can have a budget spreadsheet on your Google drive to access anytime and anywhere without worrying about security.

2. Start a Saving Plan on Wizely

On the Wizely app, you have a range of Saving Plans designed to suit your every need. From your travel plans to your everyday grocery needs there is a plan meant for everyone! You can also earn Extra Value each time you successfully complete a plan which will increase the value of your purchase when you spend your savings.

The aim of Wizely’s Saving Plans is to help you diversify your savings into various buckets – groceries, travel, fashion, electronics, etc. This way you can organize your savings, keep yourself accountable and earn extra value on each of your plans!

What’s there not to like?

All you have to do is choose the name of your plan, select the brand you wish to buy from and the duration of your plan. Then you are ready to go! Ultimately, the key to your Saving Plan lies with you. Wizely is there to give you the nudge and motivation to keep saving towards your goals!

3. Commit to One Simple Action This Month to Save More Money

As you probably know, there are so many simple things you can do to save money. For example, you can pack your lunch to work every day instead of ordering in. Or if you live close by to your workplace, you can challenge yourself to walk instead of taking an auto or a cab. Also, you can double check that you’ve canceled all your unused subscriptions. All you have to do is commit to ONE action and consistently follow it through the month.

These are three simple and smart things you can do to start saving right away. Remember, it’s all about taking that first small step. And don’t forget to download Wizely and start a Saving Plan!
Source: https://wizely.in/wizeup/3-smart-and-simple-ways-to-start-saving-money.


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